Linux version release and Demo Update

Greetings again, adventurers of Zoria,


We’re back with a new update for the DEMO and some great news. Thank you all again for the awesome feedback we received from you, feedback that allowed us to very quickly identify and fix all the bugs that appeared, making the game a batter experience for everyone.


The most important changes for version 0.2.7 below:

Fixes and Stability:

  • AI improvements and fixes - judging from what we've seen in the videos and from direct feedback, we realized in some cases AI was not behaving the way we intended it to, so we slightly altered its behavior. As a side effect, the game might be a bit harder, closer to what we envisioned as difficulty level.
  • Fixed some abilities were not performing as expected, or not performing at all in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a few animations and movement issues.
  • Fixed a couple of edge-case problems in combat that could make some enemies skip their turn.


 Updated transfer portals to make them more easily visible for the player.


And now for the news: the Linux build is finally available. It took a little longer than expected as we ran into some strange graphical glitches, but we are confident we cleared all the problems now.


Thank you all again for your support and feedback. We are now moving to working on the major update that is the Free Prologue, to be release on Steam and obviously here, sometime during April.


Zoria 0.2.7 1.7 GB
Apr 08, 2020
Zoria 0.2.7 1.7 GB
Apr 08, 2020

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